By SCCC members
To make a people ready
January 1- Genesis 1 & 2; Luke 1
By Karen Derooy
Luke 1:16 & 17 “Many of the people of Israel will he bring back to the Lord their God. And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous-to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”
(These words were spoken to Zechariah by an angel giving the message that his wife would bear him a son and the plan and purpose for the son’s (“John the Baptist”) life.. There was a plan and a purpose and anointing reserved for this child who had not yet conceived.
The plan: to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous.
The purpose: to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
The Lord not only had a plan for Elijah, He had a plan for the hearts of the disobedient to be turned to the wisdom of the righteous, to be made ready for the Lord.
The plans, purposes and provision of the Lord is already in place-even before we are born- not only for the “Elijah’s” and “John the Baptist’s”, but also for the hearts of the disobedient to be turned to the wisdom of the righteous.
Lord, please forgive me for “giving up” on believing that the hearts of the disobedient can/ will be turned to the wisdom of the righteous. In Your mercy, LORD, you reach out to each of us. You provide for each of us. Help me to love with Your love & believe that in You, nothing is impossible. Thank you for not giving up on my heart when it is disobedient. Thank You for calling & equipping those who speak Your truth “in the power & spirit of Elijah” to turn our hearts of disobedience to the wisdom of the righteous-to make ready a people prepared for the LORD. In Jesus Name.
All the world will praise him
Scriptures: Nehemiah (1:5-11) - Prayer to God Nehemiah 2:20 "I replied the God of heaven will help us succeed we His servants will start rebuilding this wall but you have no share legal right or historic claim in Jerusalem." Revelation1: 12-16 Not what I imagined He looks like. Revelation 1:17-18 - Ending with psalm 97.
Consideration: All these scriptures aligned with me, in the story of our Lord.
Commitment: Nehemiah 1:5-11 showed me we are all sinners and have sinned. But when we return to him and obey his commandments and live by them. Even if you are exiled to the ends of the earth! He will bring us back! I see Jesus here that we must come to him and obey him and he saves us he meets us where we are. (Mt. 11:28-30)
And in that Nehemiah 2:20. He had the authority and proof with him from the king but he replied with; he had God's approval that was the high authority he gave. And that's the high authority we have when we live for him so in these scriptures I felt ashamed of my sins against God. Hopeful that God wants me to come back to him and he will seek me. Then in Revelation 1:12-16 I thought of how I see Jesus. Here He is Mighty He is the High Priest. Wise and of divine nature. Judgment of evil in his eyes (his eyes were like blazing fire Rev. 1:14) I picture Jesus with forgiveness and compassion (who looks at me with love and embrace). And I see Him saying in Revelation 1:17-18 "don't be afraid I Am the first and the last I am the living one I died but look I am alive forever and ever and I hold the keys of death and the grave". And because it's Jesus who holds this keys I feel peace all to end up in psalm 96 where reads about praising the Lord for he is The Most High! All the world will praise him amen.
Call: Lord in heaven I thank you for your word. I thank you for showing me my faults and for the hope in your name. Thank you that because of you I can walk Into a new day with my head held up because you are my righteousness. I understand without you I am just a wondering sheep with dirty knotted wool full of dirt sticks and leaves from my travels. But you are able to shave me clean and grow new perfectly beautiful white wool. You make me clean and presentable thank you for this gift through love and grace and in response to your love I will praise you Lord. Holy Spirit grow in my heart and light the way. Amen​!
Colin Peters
We are no longer slaves to our sin!
Scriptures: Rev 1; Nehemiah 1-2; Ps. 96
Consideration: Just finished today’s reading! It is so cool to see the scriptures all tie together.
As I read them they each reminded me of the one I had just read. John says starting his book that it is not his revelation, but the revelation of JESUS CHRIST, he is merely a servant (Rev 1:1). Nehemiah recognized the same thing when he prayed to the God of heaven. He reminded God they were His servants, and also His people. He reminded God of His love for His people and appealed to Him on the basis of His love while knowing His place before the God of HEAVEN!
Commitment: When John sees Jesus in all His glory he falls as if dead. But I love what Jesus does. He puts His right hand on Him, the hand of sonship and says do not be afraid. It is because of Jesus we have sonship. The Lord spoke to my heart shortly after reading this, saying the only difference between me and someone who is living in sin is Jesus. Because we both sin, but thanks be to God we are no longer slaves to our sin!
Call: Nehemiah prays to the Lord, asking Him to let his servant prosper when he hears about the destruction in chapter 1. And that is what God does. He paves the way for Nehemiah. At the end of chapter 2, Nehemiah is confident after all God has done for him, and tells those mocking him ‘God WILL make us proposer.’
Hannah Haveman
I will see Him
Scriptures: Rev 1; Nehemiah 1; Ps. 96
Consideration: Reading the scriptures above I noticed Nehemiah recognizing that God is great and awesome; the psalmist saying how great, glorious, majestic, beautiful, splendid (magnificent), holy, marvelous, judge, righteous, faithful, maker and strong is the Lord. And John seeing him in His full glory and splendor.
Commitment: In the same above scriptures I am to, love Him, keep His commandments, fear His name, humble myself before Him, be faithful to Him (Nehemiah); tell His salvation, sing to the Lord (man and nature), declare His glory and marvelous work, praise Him, bring an offering to Him worship Him and tremble before Him (Psalm), and John saying "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near" (Rev. 1:3).
Call: Lord, please help me to serve you in a way that pleases You, help me to hear and keep what is written in Your word, that my heart will be full of praises and worship to You. One day with my own eyes I will see Him. Amen.
Gina Rezende
Lord my God, you are our heavenly Father; you love me even when I was a pagan. When I was worshipping idols, seeking help in witchcraft, however, you let me get into physical trouble and in that situation, I prayed and you heal me. Thank you so much, my God. Thank you for your Son Jesus, our healer, and Savior, in his name. Amen!