If you are giving for the first time, please ensure your mailing address is included with your donation for receipting purposes at year-end. This information may be typed into the e-Transfer "message box" prior to sending.
Thank you to all who generously support this ministry as an act of worship. Traditionally these offerings have predominantly been given and received in person during Sunday worship services. Several people have now asked for additional means to send gifts, tithes and offerings. In response we have added two alternate means of giving.
Please note that E-transfers are “auto-deposited” to our financial institution account for security and accountability.
All gifts, tithes and offerings are receipted directly by the St. Clair Community Church Bookkeeper following year end.
Please note: St Clair Community Church has not authorized any other organization to receive funds on behalf of this ministry.

Utilize interact e-transfer to give by sending your gift to the email address below:
For General Fund Donations: givegeneralfund@stclaircc.ca
For Capital (building) Fund Donations: givecapitalfund@stclaircc.ca

If you would like to give by cheque through the mail, these offerings can be sent to:
St. Clair Community Church 3454 John Street, P.O. Box 114, Sombra, ON. N0P 2H0.
Please make your cheque out to “St. Clair Community Church”.
You may designate “General Fund” or “Capital Fund” on your cheque.
These gifts are also processed by our two designated “tellers” for accountability.
Offerings received during the Sunday service (in cash or cheque) are processed by two designated “tellers” for accountability.